Monday, September 3, 2007

Mark 10 - The Sad, Young Ruler

January 9, 2007 9:00-9:30

I had the opportunity to meet Jesus early in his ministry.  Although many people don’t seem to like him now, especially after the rumors and trouble his followers have started, but I found him to be a great man.  The people loved him then.  They followed him around by the thousands just hoping to hear him speak or see him heal a blind man.  It was a very special time. 


I was very impressionable back then.  I was young and probably a bit rash in some things.    Not that that’s an excuse at all; its not.  But I did get caught up in all the excitement that surrounded Jesus.  I ran into a lot of people along the way like myself.  We wanted to be one of his close followers like Peter and John.  Boy, how I used to envy those guys.  They were constantly with Jesus, learning from him, watching him, asking him questions.  We wondered how those guys got chosen to do that and not us.  Maybe I just wanted the excitement or the popularity, but I honestly think it was more than that.  A lot of us thought that this might be the beginning of something great.  It wasn’t.  I realize, we all realize that now that He’s dead, but back then when we saw his power and heard His words we truly believed He was the one. 


In fact, every once in a while I’ll run into someone who I remember seeing in the gatherings.  If they recognize me too they have different reactions.  Some are embarrassed that they got caught up in a movement that never panned out.  I mean, the Romans are still here aren’t they.  He never got rid of them.  Other people just shake their heads in disappointment as though they wish it had turned out to be true.  That’s how I feel most of the time, but I should have listened to the older, wiser people who warned me that this type of thing was to good to be true.  They were right.  They were right.

 I did have one opportunity to talk face to face with Jesus.  Not many people got to do that, but I can honestly say that I did.  I’m glad I got to talk with him, because in the end that conversation is what convinced me to step back and reevaluate things. 


I’d been following him on and off for a few months.  At first my parents felt a little leery about the whole thing, but as news of Jesus teachings and miracles spread they began to encourage me to go out and see if Jesus would accept me as one of his followers or students.  Some of the other guys my age had heard a rumor that Jesus didn’t even charge when he spoke, but I found that a little hard to believe.  What teacher doesn’t charge followers?  I took a bunch of money with me figuring that even if He didn’t charge He’d probably look favorably on me for a nice donation.  

Well, by and by some of the crowds fell away.  Most people didn’t have the money to stay away from home or leave their jobs for a long time.  So one day after I accidentally slept in, I saw Jesus and his disciples leaving a group of children and heading to the next village.  Other than the disciples there were very few people around him.   This was my chance, I thought.  I went running up to him, afraid that if I waited I would get much to nervous to actually say what I wanted to say.  

So, I’m there panting in front of Jesus and the whole group stops and turns and looks at me.  For weeks I’d been planning a question to ask Jesus to get into his good graces.  Obviously, I couldn’t just ask to join his followers.  I decided to ask him how to receive eternal life. I figured the question would do two things.  First, it was a bit of a setup.  He would have to say, “Obey the law.”  That was exactly what I was hoping He’d say.  I’m a good person.  I’ve kept the law all my life whether I wanted to or not.  I have my parents to thank for that.  I believed if He saw how devoted I was to the law, He’d ask me to be one of his followers.  Jesus would have to be impressed by my goodness.  Second, I thought the question would show my mind is tuned to spiritual things.  I’m a good, religious person.  That’s what I wanted to see.  

Well, my plan worked flawlessly to begin with.  

I asked him, “Good Master, what should I do to inherit eternal life?”

He seemed suspicious when I called him good.  I don’t know why.  Everyone except the Pharisees and Sadducees thought of him as good.  But then He said exactly what I hoped He would say.  

“You know the commandments.  Do not kill.  Do not steal.  Do not commit adultery.”

I cheered inside.  This was perfect.  As soon as He finished talking, I blurted out, “Master, I’ve obeyed all of these since childhood.”  

I thought I was in.  When I gave that response Jesus looked so pleased with me.  He put his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me.  I just knew the next thing He was going to say was to ask me to be one of his disciples.  Even most of them looked impressed with me.  But what He said next blew me away.  I could not believe it.  Even now I still don’t really understand it. 

He said, “You lack one thing.  Sell all your possessions, and give to the poor and you’ll have treasure in heaven.  Then take up your cross and follow me.”

Should I say that again, or did you get it?  

Listen carefully this time, because I want to make sure you understand his words.

He said, “You lack one thing.  Sell all your possessions, and give to the poor and you’ll have treasure in heaven.  Then take up your cross and follow me.”

I must have looked dazed to Jesus after he said that.  I felt absolutely stunned.  I was so stunned, I don’t think I even said anything else I just took a few steps backwards then turned and walked away.  

Think about what He asked me to do.  Sell all my possessions?  At first I wondered if He was confused about exactly how much I own.  Did He think I didn’t have much to lose?  After thinking about it, I believe He knew just how wealthy I am and still wanted me to give it all up.  Sell all my possessions?  You know how hard my parents worked, and now how hard I have worked to gain those possessions.  Their mine.  It seemed more than a bit foolish to give them all away.  

And give to the poor?  If the poor worked as hard as I do, they wouldn’t be poor.  I could not believe this man who had seemed so wise just wanted me to give up my hard earned things to people who don’t deserve a bit of it.  That kind of mercy seems a little overrated.  

He promised if I did all this, I’d have treasures in heaven.  Frankly I think all my good works have earned me more than enough treasure in the future life.  When I die, I’ll get exactly what I deserve from God.  

Now, as shocking as the first part was, that doesn’t begin to compare to what He asked in the second part of his request.  “Take up your cross and follow me.”  We all know what a cross stands for.  We’ve lived with the Romans long enough to know that when we see a man carrying a cross he isn’t going to be alive much longer.  Jesus was asking me to die for him.  He was asking that.  Anyone who doubted me before when I told the story doesn’t doubt me now.  Jesus died on the cross.  James was killed by Herod.  Everyone knows what happened to Stephen whether or not they think he deserved it.  Half of the guys who stood with Jesus on that road will probably be dead within a year.  

“Take up your cross.  Sell all your goods.  Follow me.”  No.  I’m glad I didn’t follow Jesus that day.  I’m glad I was wise enough to know what really counts.  Now I’m here enjoying my wealth, my home, and my life while those Christ-like ones are suffering.  I’m sure history will prove their little revolution to be short lived.  

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